The data and links on this page are to accompany our CPD course on Antibodies.
- The Mab231 intact IgG2a antibody PDB file
- The HyHEL-5 antibody PDB file
- The HyHEL-5 sequence file
- FASTA data for abYsis practical
The paper describing humanization of A.4.6.1 to create Bevacizumab (Avastin)
- Bevacizumab (Avastin) sequence
- A.4.6.1 mouse parent of bevacizumab
- Human VHIII and VKI acceptors for bevacizumab
- RasMol website
- Local Windows executable download
Introduction to RasMol
- PyMol website
- abYdraw2 (test version)
Antibody modelling
Antibody numbering and CDR definitions
Textbooks covering antibody structure
Elgert (2009) 'Immunology: Understanding the immune system', Chapter 4.
- Stryer: Antibodies Possess Distinct Antigen-Binding and Effector Units
- Stryer: The Immunoglobulin Fold Consists of a Beta-Sandwich Framework with Hypervariable Loops
- Stryer: Antibodies Bind Specific Molecules Through Their Hypervariable Loops
- Stryer: Diversity Is Generated by Gene Rearrangements
Key papers
Narcisco et al. (2012): A review of antibody structure
Wu and Kabat (1970): Identification of light chain hypervariable loops
Chothia and Lesk (1987): CDR canonical structures
Swindells et al. (2017): The abYsis online antibody database and analysis system
Online animations on antibody structure
Online videos on antibody applications
Background reading
Poljak et al. (1973): The first antibody structure to be solved
Al-Lazikani et al. (1997): CDR canonical structures
Davies and Cohen (1996): An analysis of antibody antigen interactions
Martin et al. (1991): An early commentary on antibody modelling
Padlan et al. (1995): Key residues in antibody-antigen interactions
Queen et al. (1989): Humanization - equivalent of the Queen patent
Roguska et al. (1994): Resurfacing of chimeric antibodies