There will be a planned outage of around 30 minutes on 16th August 2024 between 1am and 6am (BST).

PDBSWS - PDB/UniProt Mapping

31.01.20 REST Access

The URI for REST access has changed (again!) The URI is now:

Query the database

Query by PDB code

PDB code: Chain ID: (optional) Residue ID: (optional)

Example PDB codes: 1yqv, 1crn

Complete alignment

Query by UniProt accession

Accession code: Residue number: (optional)

Example accession codes: P00698, P01542

Complete alignment

Query by SwissProt ID

Identifier: Residue number: (optional)

Example identifiers: LYSC_CHICK, CRAM_CRAAB

Complete alignment

Download the mapping

Download the complete mapping from the PDB to UniProt entries:

Columns in the chain mapping are:

  • PDB code
  • PDB Chain label (@ = blank chain)
  • UniProt Accession

Columns in the residue mapping are:

  • PDB code
  • PDB Chain label (@ = blank chain)
  • PDB Sequential residue number (avoid using this!)
  • PDB Residue type (3-letter code)
  • PDB Residue number (as it appears in the PDB file)
  • UniProt Accession
  • UniProt Residue type (1-letter code)
  • UniProt Sequential residue number

Interrogate the mapping from your scripts

You may also access the mapping directly from your scripts. [Instructions]

How it works...

You may download a draft manuscript now published in Bioinformatics. If you use PDBSWS, please cite the paper:
Martin, Andrew C. R. (2005) Mapping PDB chains to UniProtKB entries, Bioinformatics, 21:4297-4301

RESTful access

Last data update...

The data were last updated on
10 Jul 2018


The residue mapping download file was missing some entries. This resulted from some software not running properly on a new server.