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Simple Interface to the Kabat Sequence Database

This page provides a simple point-and-click interface to the KabatMan database. This interface only lets you create simple queries; for more complex cases, you must write queries directly using the in the KabatMan SQL-like query language.

Full query page Query language Statistics


05.12.11 Data reading

A small number of sequences with insertions (e.g. 18D-6 light chain, ID 007779) were not being read correctly as the Kabat format was inconsistent. This is now fixed.

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What information do you wish to display?


Accession number (and link to raw data):
Light chain Heavy chain

Sequence of:
L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 H3

Length of:
L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 H3

Canonical Class of:
L1 L2 L3 H1 H2

Light chain sequence
Heavy chain sequence
Light chain class
Light chain sub-group (Only valid for Human sequences!)
Heavy chain sub-group (Only valid for Human sequences!)
Animal Source

PIR Sequence (Note all other options will be switched off!)

What filters do you wish to apply to the data?

Complete (i.e. has both light & heavy chains)
Note that this will always be ANDed with any other filters.

Name includes the text
Antigen includes the text (Use * to mean any known antigen)
Make this as brief as possible! It is not a keyword-type match, but a literal string match. You should not use inverted commas or wildcards.

CDR contains a specified amino acid sequence:

CDR L1 includes
CDR L2 includes
CDR L3 includes
CDR H1 includes
CDR H2 includes
CDR H3 includes
Note you may use a % as a wildcard to match a single amino acid

CDR matches specified length:


Canonical class of CDR is:

Class of CDR L1 is
Class of CDR L2 is
Class of CDR L3 is
Class of CDR H1 is
Class of CDR H2 is

Light chain includes amino acid sequence (Use * to mean sequence is known)
Heavy chain includes amino acid sequence (Use * to mean sequence is known)
Note you may use a % as a wildcard to match a single amino acid. There must be NO SPACES in the sequence specfication.

References include the string
Make this as brief as possible! It is not a keyword-type match, but a literal string match. You should not use inverted commas or wildcards.

Animal source (e.g. human, mouse, shark, etc.) includes the string
Light chain class:

Human Subgroup   Light: Heavy:
If you specify either of these you will only get Human sequences!

Combine the filters

Combine the above filters using
Note that the 'Complete' filter will always be ANDed with any other filters even if you select 'or' here.

Which options do you wish to set?

Loop definition:

Should insertions be displayed in the CDRs? Yes No

Which key residue definitions do you wish to use?
Default (essentially as used by AbM)
Strict (from combining the exact definitions as they appear in Chothia's 5 papers)
Auto (As derived by an automated analysis of loop conformation and key residues).


Please enter your EMail address here:

To submit your query, press here: .

To clear the form, press here: .

Full query page Query language Statistics

Please cite the following reference in any publications resulting from searches using this software:

Martin, A.C.R. Accessing the Kabat Antibody Sequence Database by Computer PROTEINS: Structure, Function and Genetics, 25 (1996), 130-133.

Commercial Use

Companies may use this public server, but need to be aware that data are not encrypted and it is not secure.

After trialing the system, companies should consider abYsis. A commercial licence will enable you to install a local version of this code together with an integrated database which can also store and analyse proprietary sequence and structure data.

For information on commercial licences, please contact the distributor Ebisu.