Practical Timetable

Click the link for the practical to begin

Tue 09/01/24    ONLINE
Introductory practical

Tue 16/01/24    ONLINE
Perl practical

(Prof. Andrew Martin)
Tue 30/01/24    ONLINE
Sequence Searching

(Prof. Christine Orengo)
Tue 20/02/24    F2F
InterPro lecture and practical

(Dr. Sara Chuguransky)
Tue 05/03/24    Essay
Tue 12/03/24    ONLINE
Machine learning

(Dr. Alan Lowe)
Tue 19/03/24    Essay

Please check the lecture and practical room information carefully!

Rooms have not yet been assigned

Notes on using the timetable and practicals

The practicals are all completed online. No separate write-up is required (with the exception of the course essay mini-project). All practicals can be accessed via the links in the practical timetable.

Practical Timetable

The above practical timetable is clickable. The practicals will be available by clicking the links in the timetable above.

Explorer vs. Firefox

In the teaching lab, we recommend you use Firefox.

On the machines in the teaching room, there seems to be some security setting such that you cannot launch RasMol (the structure viewer) direct from Internet Explorer

If you use Firefox, you can select C:\Program Files\rasmol\raswin the first time you click on a link to a PDB file. Subsequent views of PDB files will automatically launch RasMol.


For each question-and-answer practical you will need to log in by creating a username and password. You must click the 'New user' option for each practical you do. It is probably sensible to use the same username and password for each practical, but this is not essential. You will be asked to supply your name and EMail address each time.

While it may be sensible to use the same username that you use on the central computing facilities, we recommend that you choose a different password from the one you use on central facilities. The password you use will be stored on the Biochemistry Department servers, though for security it will be stored in an encryted form.

You may revisit any of the practicals during the course to review and modify your answers. (In this case click 'Existing user' on the login page.) This is especially useful if you run out of time during a practical session as you can continue later.

Click 'Submit Answer' to register answers.

When you enter/change your answers you need to click on the Submit Answer button at the bottom of each page to register these alterations. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST.