There will be an outage of up to 10 hours between 28th February 2025 10pm (GMT) and 1st March 2025 10am while our ISP performs maintenance on a fibre cable during roadworks.



CDoc is a simple program inspired by javadoc, doxygen, and the like for the automatic generation of HTML documentation of C source code.

Each function in the C source is given a standard header which is a comment introduced by the characters /*> From this comment block, information is extracted and written as HTML. Optionally an index file is also created with the source file name(s) and the function name(s).

CDoc is written in Perl5.


CDoc is freely available for use by not-for-profit organisations. Commercial use is not permitted without the permission of the author.


CDoc is supplied as a gzipped tar file of Perl source with installation instructions and a man page.
