Each column shows the extent of antigen contact at each antibody residue for a different antibody (see key below for full pdb codes).
+ indicates an antigen contact - indicates no antigen contact . indicates no residue exists in that position in that antibody
Summaries are given for each CDR, where a '+' indicates that at least one residue from the CDR is involved in antigen recognition in that particular antibody.
Non-CDR residue data is shown in parentheses.
Rules governing the use of CDRs and individual residues may be constructed from this data, for example from the CDR summaries:
CDR-L1 +++++-++++-++++++++++++-++ CDR-H1 +-+++++--+++++++++++++++++
we can state that in any antibody EITHER CDR-L1 OR CDR-H1 will make at least one antigen contact.
Note that numbering follows the Chothia scheme.
CDR definitions and antigen contact criteria are given in the following reference: MacCallum R.M., Martin A.C.R. and Thornton J.M (1996), Journal of Molecular Biology, 262:732-745
The CDR definitions (based on antigen contacts) are also available here.
The data
(L27 ----------------+---------) CDR-L1+++++-++++-++++++++++++-++ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz L30 +.------------+----+-.--+- L30A +.++.-++++-.-+.+..+.+.--.+ L30B +.+-..---+-.-+.-..-.-.--.- L30C -.--..+----.-+.+..+.+.+-.+ L30D -.--..-----..-....+.-.--.+ L30E ..--..+.-.-..+....+.-.+-.- L31 ---------------+-+---+--+- L32 +++---+-++-+++-++-+++++-++ L34 -+--+--+-------------+---+ L36 ----+--------------------- CDR-L2-+--+--+---+--+-++++-+--+- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz L46 ----+--+------------------ L49 -+--+--+------+--+-+------ L50 -+-----+---+----++++-+--+- L52 -----------------+-------- L53 -----------------+-+----+- L54 -----------------+-------- L55 -------+---------+-------- L56 -----------------+-------- (L67 ------------------------+-) CDR-L3++++++++++++++++++++++++++ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz L89 -+--+--------------------- L91 +++++-+++++++--++++-+++-++ L92 +-+-----++-+-++-++++-+-++- L93 +-++----++-++-+-++-+-+-++- L94 ++++-++++++++++++++---+++- L96 -+-+++++-++-+++++++-++++++ CDR-H1+-+++++--+++++++++++++++++ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz H30 -------------+--++-+----+- H31 --+--------+-++-++++-++-++ H31B +......-.................. H32 -----+--------+-++++-+--+- H33 --+--++---+++++++++-++++++ H35 ---+++---+++---++---+----- CDR-H2++++-+++++++++++++++++++++ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz H47 ---+------+----------++--- H50 ++-+-++++-++-+--+++-+++-+- H51 ----------------------+--- H52 +-+---++++--+++++++++++++- H52A ..+----.+.-++------.--+-.- H53 +-+----++----+---+++--+-++ H54 +-----++-----+++++-+-+--+- H55 --------+-------+----++--- H56 +-----+++-+-++++++--+++-+- H57 ---------------------+---- H58 ------+++---+--++---+++-+- (H64 -----------------+--------) CDR-H3++++++++++++++++++++++++++ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz H93 ----+--------------------- H95 ---++++++++++++-+-+--++-++ H96 -+-++--++---++-+++++++---+ H97 ++++++++++-+-++++++++++--+ H98 +-+-+-+.----.+++-+-++-+-.+ H99 -.+---+.----.----+-++-+-.- H100 -.++-++.++++.+--.-.-..+-.. H100A +.+----.-+--.---.+....-+.. H100B -.-+-+-.--++.....+....--.. H100C -.....-.-+.+.....-.....-.. H100D .........-.+.............. H100E .........+.+.............. H100F ...........+.............. H100H ...........+.............. H101 -------+------------------
aa p1acy ab p1baf ac p1cbv ad p1dbb ae p1eap af p1fig ag p1fpt ah p1ggi ai p1him aj p1ibg ak p1igj al p1ikf am p1ind an p1jel ao p1jhl ap p1mfb aq p1mlc ar p1ncd as p1tet at p1vfb au p2cgr av p2hfl aw p2igf ax p2mcp ay p3hfm az p4fab