There will be an outage of up to 10 hours between 28th February 2025 10pm (GMT) and 1st March 2025 10am while our ISP performs maintenance on a fibre cable during roadworks.

Web page requirements

  1. You must be able to display a summary list of all the gene identifiers (as given by a CDS /gene="XXXX" record in the Genbank file), protein product names (as given by CDS /product="XXXX"), Genbank accession (as given by ACCESSION), chromosomal location (e.g. 8q24.3, as given by source /map="XXXX"). From that list you should be able to click to see the details of the particular gene.
  2. You must be able to search the database to find an entry based on gene identifier, protein product names, Genbank accession, or chromosomal location.
  3. The detail page for a particular entry should allow you to view the following information:
    • The complete DNA sequence with the coding regions highlighted
    • The amino acid sequence displayed with the coding DNA sequence
    • Codon usage frequencies within the coding region - the overall codon usage information for all sequences in the database should also be available (See the Notes page.)
    • The ability to identify sticky-end restriction enzyme sites in the genomic DNA - i.e. in both coding and non-coding regions. Restriction enzymes that cut in the 5' upstream and/or 3' downstream regions, but not in-between should be highlighted. At a minimum you should include the ability to search for EcoRI, BamHI and BsuMI - optionally you may include other enzymes. You could also allow a restriction sequence to be entered by the user (see below).

You should download some general guidance on what is expected. See the Good Code section for further help.
