There will be an outage of up to 10 hours between 28th February 2025 10pm (GMT) and 1st March 2025 10am while our ISP performs maintenance on a fibre cable during roadworks.
Web page requirements
- You must be able to display a summary list of all the gene
identifiers (as given by a CDS
/gene="XXXX" record in the Genbank file), protein product names
(as given by CDS /product="XXXX"),
Genbank accession (as given
by ACCESSION), chromosomal location
(e.g. 8q24.3, as given by source
/map="XXXX"). From that list you should be able to click to see
the details of the particular gene.
- You must be able to search the database to find an entry based on
gene identifier, protein product names, Genbank accession, or chromosomal
- The detail page for a particular entry should allow you to view
the following information:
- The complete DNA sequence with the coding regions highlighted
- The amino acid sequence displayed with the coding DNA sequence
- Codon usage frequencies within the coding region - the overall
codon usage information for all sequences in the database should also
be available (See the Notes page.)
- The ability to
identify sticky-end restriction enzyme sites in the genomic
DNA - i.e. in both coding and non-coding regions. Restriction enzymes
that cut in the 5' upstream and/or 3' downstream regions, but not
in-between should be highlighted. At a minimum you should include the
ability to search for EcoRI, BamHI and BsuMI - optionally you may
include other enzymes. You could also allow a restriction sequence to
be entered by the user (see below).