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Preparation - Running PyMol

AIM: To ensure you can run PyMol on your computer

There are many molecular graphics programs available that allow you to view protein structures interactively, rotating and zooming as required, colouring amino acids, and rendering the structure in different ways. Many of these programs also allow you to make measurements, such as distances, angles and torsion angles, while some also allow you to modify the structure.

Installing PyMol

PyMol is a popular program which is free for educational use. It runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.

NOTE: You do not need to install PyMol on your computer if you have access to the UCL Desktop (i.e. you are using a desktop machine in one of the UCL cluster rooms, or you are accessing it via Desktop@UCL Anywhere).

The UCL Desktop has several versions of PyMol installed. You should be able to use any of them except for 'PyMol Full Screen' or 'PyMol Viewer Only'.

You can download and install PyMol from

If you are running Windows 10S, you will need to disable 'secure mode', but note that you cannot go back to secure mode afterwards. See the instructions at:

You can download and install PyMol from

You can download and install PyMol from

You may also be able to install it from your package manager.

If you are unable to install PyMol locally (or don't want to disable Windows 10S/11S, you will be able to use it using the Desktop@UCL Anywhere, but it may be slow.

Running PyMol

Type 'pymol' in the search box. If different versions are available (i.e. on the UCl Desktop), do not select the 'Full Screen' version or the 'Viewer Only' version.

Launch PyMol from the launch pad in the usual way.

Type 'pymol' at a command prompt, or find it in the menu structure (under 'Education').

NOTE: When you start PyMol, depending on the version, either one or two windows will open. If you have two windows there will be the main graphical display window, and a second control window. Do not expand the graphical window to full screen size as you won't be able to see the control window!

When instructed to view a PDB file you will need to download it first to ensure you are using the correct software to view it - simply clicking on it may start some other viewing program instead. You will have to download and save the PDB file by right clicking the link and choose 'Save Target As...' (or 'Save Link As...') from the menu.

Once you open PyMol, you can then load in the PDB file by using the 'File' menu in the control window and selecting 'Open...', then browse to the desktop or wherever you have saved the PDB file.

A basic set of instructions for using PyMol can be downloaded here, but you will be provided with all the information you need during the practical.
