There will be an outage of up to 10 hours between 28th February 2025 10pm (GMT) and 1st March 2025 10am while our ISP performs maintenance on a fibre cable during roadworks.


For information only
You should not need the following information for the practical

Mysqlclient is a non-PEP249 library allowing you to access MySQL.

I do not recommend that you use mysqlclient, but this information is provided to show you the differences in how this works.

These notes explain how to use mysqlclient in place of the PEP249 compliant PyMySQL.

Install a local copy of the mysqlclient interface code:

pip3 install --user mysqlclient

Your code should then be of the general form:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import _mysql

# Set parameters
dbname   = "biodb"
dbhost   = "pandora"
dbuser   = "xxx"     # Ask a demonstrator
dbpass   = "xxx"     # Ask a demonstrator

# Create SQL statement to find information for proteins from Leishmania
sql = "select pdb_code, resolution, name from protein where source = 'LEISHMANIA MAJOR'"

# Connect to the database
db = _mysql.connect(host=dbhost, user=dbuser, passwd=dbpass, db=dbname)

# Execute the query

# Grab the results back from the database into a Python object that we
# can access
results = db.store_result()

# Fetch the first row of the results. Note that we cannot use the
# 'results' object as an iterator so we have to iterate manually
# through the results using the '.fetch_row()' method.
# The default ('how=0') gets the results as a tuple of tuples (i.e. a
# list of lists). The outer list only contains one item.
# 'how=1' gets it back as a list of dictionaries and again the (outer)
# list contains only one item.
result  = results.fetch_row(how=1)

# Having got the one result row back, we iterate around, doing
# something with that row and then getting the next row. Note that
# strings are returned as Python 'bytestrings' and need to be
# converted to normal strings with the '.decode()' method before
# printing them. Floating point numbers appear as normal strings so
# should not be decoded
while result:
   print (result[0]['colname1'].decode(), ' ', result[0]['colname2'].decode())
   result = results.fetch_row(how=1)