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1 /************************************************************************/
2 /**
4  \file parse.c
6  \version V1.11
7  \date 07.07.14
8  \brief A keyword command parser
10  \copyright (c) UCL / Dr. Andrew C. R. Martin 1990-2014
11  \author Dr. Andrew C. R. Martin
12  \par
13  Institute of Structural & Molecular Biology,
14  University College London,
15  Gower Street,
16  London.
17  WC1E 6BT.
18  \par
22 **************************************************************************
24  This code is NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, but it may be copied
25  according to the conditions laid out in the accompanying file
28  The code may be modified as required, but any modifications must be
29  documented so that the person responsible can be identified.
31  The code may not be sold commercially or included as part of a
32  commercial product except as described in the file COPYING.DOC.
34 **************************************************************************
36  Description:
37  ============
39  blParse() is a command line parser which will accept upper or
40  lower case commands and abbreviations. Comment lines may be
41  indicated using a !. The keyword structure array and returned
42  string array are defined thus:
43 \code
44  KeyWd keywords[NCOMM];
45  char *strparam[MAXSTRPARAM];
46 \endcode
48  The returned REAL parameters are defined thus:
49 \code
50  REAL floatparam[MAXFLOATPARAM];
51 \endcode
53  Space for the returned strings must be allocated thus:
54 \code
55  strparam[n] = (char *)malloc(MAXSTRLEN * sizeof(char));
56 \endcode
57  and repeated for each parameter.
59  The keyword list with type and numbers of returned parameters
60  is constructed using the MAKEKEY macros:
61 \code
62  MAKEKEY(keywords[0],"RANGE",NUMBER,2);
63  MAKEKEY(keywords[1],"STRING",STRING,1);
64 \endcode
65  Here, the keywords must be defined in upper case.
68  blMparse() is used in the same way, but allows a variable number of
69  parameters for each keyword. Keywords are of type MKeyWd and are
70  defined using the macro MAKEMKEY:
71 \code
72  MAKEMKEY(keywords[0],"RANGE",NUMBER,2,2);
73  MAKEMKEY(keywords[1],"STRING",STRING,1,3);
74 \endcode
76 **************************************************************************
78  Usage:
79  ======
81 \code
82  blParse(comline,nkeys,keywords,floatparam,strparam)
83 \endcode
85  \param[in] *comline A command line string to parse
86  \param[in] nkeys Number of keywords
87  \param[in] *keywords Array of keyword structures
88  \param[out] *floatparam Array of returned strings
89  \param[out] **strparam Array of pointers to returned strings
90  \return Index of found command or error flag
92 \code
93  blMparse(comline,nkeys,keywords,floatparam,strparam,nparam)
94 \endcode
96  \param[in] *comline A command line string to parse
97  \param[in] nkeys Number of keywords
98  \param[in] *keywords Array of keyword structures
99  \param[out] *floatparam Array of returned strings
100  \param[out] **strparam Array of pointers to returned strings
101  \param[out] *nparam Number of parameters found
102  \return Index of found command or error flag
105 **************************************************************************
107  Revision History:
108  =================
109 - V1.0 11.07.90 Original
110 - V1.1 29.10.90 match() now frees the memory it allocates and calls
111  terminate()
112  parse() now calls terminate() on the keyword string
113 - V1.2 25.09.91 Messages will only appear from parse() if NOISY is
114  #defined.
115  Added FPU support.
116 - V1.3 28.05.92 ANSIed and autodoc'd
117 - V1.4 08.12.92 Includes stdlib.h
118 - V1.5 22.04.93 Various tidying to exact ANSI standard and of function
119  headers. Corrected some calls to free()
120 - V1.6 16.06.93 Tidied for book
121 - V1.7 01.03.94 Added mparse()
122 - V1.8 11.03.94 Added internal support for lines starting with a $.
123  The line is passed as a system() call and parse()
124  acts as if the line had been a comment.
125 - V1.9 08.10.99 Initialised some variables
126 - V1.10 28.02.11 Added # as a comment introducer
127 - V1.11 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
129 *************************************************************************/
130 /* Doxygen
131  -------
132  #GROUP General Programming
133  #SUBGROUP User interaction
134  #FUNCTION blParse()
135  Keyword-based command parser using a fixed number of parameters per
136  command
138  #FUNCTION blMparse()
139  As blParse(), but allows variable number of parameters to each keyword.
143  #SUBGROUP String handling
145  #FUNCTION blMatch()
146  Matches two strings, but stops the comparison as soon
147  as a space or NULL is found in either string. The returned value
149  #FUNCTION blGetString()
150  Returns the first space-delimited group of characters
151  from a character string
153  #FUNCTION blGetParam()
154  Extracts the first space-delimited number from a
155  character string.
156 */
157 /************************************************************************/
158 /* Includes
159 */
160 #include <stdio.h>
161 #include <string.h>
162 #include <math.h>
163 #include <stdlib.h>
164 #include <ctype.h>
166 #include "MathType.h"
167 #include "SysDefs.h"
168 #include "macros.h"
169 #include "parse.h"
170 #include "general.h"
172 /************************************************************************/
173 /* General defines for these routines
174 */
175 #define LF 10
176 #define CR 13
177 #define DIC 34 /* Double inverted commas */
179 /************************************************************************/
180 /*>int blParse(char *comline, int nkeys, KeyWd *keywords,
181  REAL *floatparam, char **strparam)
182  ----------------------------------------------------
183 *//**
185  \param[in] *comline A command line string to parse
186  \param[in] nkeys Number of keywords
187  \param[in] *keywords Array of keyword structures
188  \param[out] *floatparam Array of returned strings
189  \param[out] **strparam Array of pointers to returned strings
190  \return Index of found command or error flag
192  Keyword-based command parser using a fixed number of parameters per
193  command
195 - 11.07.90 Original By: ACRM
196 - 22.04.93 Tidied comments, etc. Corrected NULL to 0.
197 - 11.03.94 Added $ line handling
198 - 08.10.99 Initialise nlett
199 - 28.02.11 Added # for comments
200 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
201 */
202 int blParse(char *comline,
203  int nkeys,
204  KeyWd *keywords,
205  REAL *floatparam,
206  char **strparam)
207 {
208  char *command;
209  int i,n,found,nletters,nlett = 0;
211  command = blKillLeadSpaces(comline);
212  TERMINATE(command);
214  if(command[0] == '$')
215  {
216  system(command+1);
217  return(PARSE_COMMENT);
218  }
220  found = 0;
221  if((command[0]=='!') ||
222  (command[0]=='#') ||
223  (command[0]==LF) ||
224  (command[0]==CR) ||
225  (command[0]=='\0'))
226  return(PARSE_COMMENT);
228  for(i=0;i<nkeys;i++)
229  {
230  /* match() returns 1 if first string finishes first or exact match
231  2 if second string finishes first
232  0 if a mismatch
233  We only want to act in the first case
234  */
235  if((n=blMatch(command,(keywords[i]).name,&nletters))==1)
236  {
237  if(found) /* If found already */
238  {
239  return(PARSE_ERRC);
240  }
241  found = i+1; /* +1, so keyword 0 will flag TRUE */
242  nlett = nletters;
243  }
244  }
245  if(!found)
246  {
247  return(PARSE_ERRC);
248  }
249  command+=nlett;
250  found--; /* Reset to point to the correct keyword */
252  /* Get data requirements for this keyword */
253  if((keywords[found]).string)
254  {
255  for(i=0; i<(keywords[found]).nparam; i++)
256  {
257  command = blKillLeadSpaces(command);
258  if((nletters = blGetString(command,strparam[i]))==0)
259  {
260  return(PARSE_ERRP);
261  }
262  command += nletters;
263  } /* End of for(i) */
264  }
265  else
266  {
267  /* A numeric or no parameter */
268  for(i=0; i<(keywords[found]).nparam; i++)
269  {
270  command = blKillLeadSpaces(command);
271  if(!blGetParam(command,&(floatparam[i]),&nletters))
272  {
273  return(PARSE_ERRP);
274  }
275  command += nletters;
276  } /* End of for(i) */
277  } /* End of else */
278  return(found);
279 }
281 /************************************************************************/
282 /*>int blMatch(char *comstring, char *string2, int *nletters)
283  ----------------------------------------------------------
284 *//**
286  \param[in] *comstring A character string
287  \param[in] *string2 A second string
288  \param[out] *nletters Number of letters matched
289  \return 0 String mismatch
290  1 First string finished first
291  2 Second string finished first
293  Matches two strings, but stops the comparison as soon
294  as a space or NULL is found in either string. The returned value
295  indicates which string finished first or 0 if the letters before the
296  space or NULL have a mismatch. The routine calls StringToUpper()
297  on `comstring' before the comparison.
299 - 11.07.90 Original By: ACRM
300 - 22.04.93 Tidied comments, etc. Added check on malloc and corrected
301  calls to free()
302 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
303 */
304 int blMatch(char *comstring,
305  char *string2,
306  int *nletters)
307 {
308  int i;
309  char *string1;
311  TERMINATE(comstring);
312  TERMINATE(string2);
313  string1 = (char *)malloc((strlen(comstring) + 2) * sizeof(char));
314  if(string1 == NULL) return(0);
316  blStringToUpper(comstring,string1);
318  for(i=0;;i++)
319  {
320  if((!string1[i])||(string1[i]==' '))
321  {
322  *nletters = i;
323  free(string1);
324  return(1);
325  }
326  if((!string2[i])||(string2[i]==' '))
327  {
328  *nletters = i;
329  free(string1);
330  return(2);
331  }
332  if(string1[i] != string2[i])
333  {
334  *nletters = i;
335  free(string1);
336  return(0);
337  }
338  }
339 }
341 /************************************************************************/
342 /*>int blGetString(char *command, char *strparam)
343  ----------------------------------------------
344 *//**
346  \param[in] *command A character string
347  \param[out] *strparam Returned character string
348  \return Number of characters pulled out
349  of the command string
351  Returns the first space-delimited group of characters
352  from character string `command'
354 - 11.07.90 Original By: ACRM
355 - 22.04.93 Tidied comments, etc. Changed toggle method
356 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
357 */
358 int blGetString(char *command,
359  char *strparam)
360 {
361  int i,j,inv_commas;
363  inv_commas=0;
364  j=0;
365  for(i=0;;i++)
366  {
367  if(command[i]==DIC)
368  {
369  /* Toggle the inv_commas flag */
370  inv_commas = !inv_commas;
372  /* Don't copy anything */
373  continue;
374  }
376  /* Break out if we're at the end of a line */
377  if((command[i]==LF)
378  ||(command[i]==CR)
379  ||(command[i]=='\0')) break;
381  /* Also break out if we've a space and we're not between
382  inverted commas
383  */
384  if((command[i]==' ') && (!inv_commas)) break;
386  /* Other wise copy the character */
387  strparam[j++] = command[i];
388  }
389  strparam[j]='\0';
390  return(i);
391 }
393 /************************************************************************/
394 /*>int blGetParam(char *command, REAL *value, int *nletters)
395  ---------------------------------------------------------
396 *//**
398  \param[in] *command A character string
399  \param[out] *value Returned float value
400  \param[out] *nletters Number of charcters pulled out
401  of the command string
402  \return 0 If error
403  1 If OK
405  Extracts the first space-delimited number from the
406  `command' character string.
408 - 11.07.90 Original By: ACRM
409 - 22.04.93 Tidied comments, etc. Corrected NULL to 0
410 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
411 */
412 int blGetParam(char *command,
413  REAL *value,
414  int *nletters)
415 {
416  char buffer[50];
417  int retval;
419  if((*nletters = blGetString(command,buffer))==0)
420  return(0);
422  retval = sscanf(buffer,"%lf",value);
423  return(retval);
424 }
426 /************************************************************************/
427 /*>int blMparse(char *comline, int nkeys, MKeyWd *keywords,
428  REAL *floatparam, char **strparam, int *nparam)
429  ------------------------------------------------------------
430 *//**
432  \param[in] *comline A command line string to parse
433  \param[in] nkeys Number of keywords
434  \param[in] *keywords Array of keyword structures
435  \param[out] *floatparam Array of returned strings
436  \param[out] **strparam Array of pointers to returned strings
437  \param[out] *nparam Number of parameters found
438  \return Index of found command or error flag
440  As blParse(), but allows variable number of parameters to each keyword.
442 - 23.02.94 Original based on parse() By: ACRM
443 - 11.03.94 Added $ line handling
444 - 08.10.99 Initialise nlett to 0
445 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
446 */
447 int blMparse(char *comline,
448  int nkeys,
449  MKeyWd *keywords,
450  REAL *floatparam,
451  char **strparam,
452  int *nparam)
453 {
454  char *command;
455  int i,n,found,nletters,nlett=0;
457  command = blKillLeadSpaces(comline);
458  TERMINATE(command);
460  if(command[0] == '$')
461  {
462  system(command+1);
463  return(PARSE_COMMENT);
464  }
466  found = 0;
467  if((command[0]=='!') ||
468  (command[0]==LF) ||
469  (command[0]==CR) ||
470  (command[0]=='\0'))
471  return(PARSE_COMMENT);
473  for(i=0;i<nkeys;i++)
474  {
475  /* match() returns 1 if first string finishes first or exact match
476  2 if second string finishes first
477  0 if a mismatch
478  We only want to act in the first case
479  */
480  if((n=blMatch(command,(keywords[i]).name,&nletters))==1)
481  {
482  if(found) /* If found already */
483  {
484  return(PARSE_ERRC);
485  }
486  found = i+1; /* +1, so keyword 0 will flag TRUE */
487  nlett = nletters;
488  }
489  }
491  if(!found)
492  {
493  return(PARSE_ERRC);
494  }
496  command+=nlett;
497  found--; /* Reset to point to the correct keyword */
499  *nparam = 0; /* Zero the parameter count */
501  /* Get data requirements for this keyword */
502  if((keywords[found]).string)
503  {
504  for(i=0; i<(keywords[found]).maxparam; i++)
505  {
506  command = blKillLeadSpaces(command);
507  if((nletters = blGetString(command,strparam[i]))==0)
508  {
509  if(i < (keywords[found]).minparam)
510  return(PARSE_ERRP);
511  else
512  break;
513  }
514  else
515  {
516  (*nparam)++;
517  }
518  command += nletters;
519  } /* End of for(i) */
520  }
521  else
522  {
523  /* A numeric or no parameter */
524  for(i=0; i<(keywords[found]).maxparam; i++)
525  {
526  command = blKillLeadSpaces(command);
527  if(!blGetParam(command,&(floatparam[i]),&nletters))
528  {
529  if(i < (keywords[found]).minparam)
530  return(PARSE_ERRP);
531  else
532  break;
533  }
534  command += nletters;
535  (*nparam)++;
536  } /* End of for(i) */
537  } /* End of else */
538  return(found);
539 }
#define NULL
Definition: array2.c:99
void blStringToUpper(char *string1, char *string2)
#define PARSE_ERRC
Definition: parse.h:79
Include file for the command parser.
char * blKillLeadSpaces(char *string)
int blParse(char *comline, int nkeys, KeyWd *keywords, REAL *floatparam, char **strparam)
Definition: parse.c:202
Useful macros.
#define PARSE_ERRP
Definition: parse.h:80
#define TERMINATE(x)
Definition: macros.h:366
Definition: parse.h:92
double REAL
Definition: MathType.h:67
int blGetParam(char *command, REAL *value, int *nletters)
Definition: parse.c:412
int blMatch(char *comstring, char *string2, int *nletters)
Definition: parse.c:304
int blMparse(char *comline, int nkeys, MKeyWd *keywords, REAL *floatparam, char **strparam, int *nparam)
Definition: parse.c:447
Definition: parse.h:86
int blGetString(char *command, char *strparam)
Definition: parse.c:358
Header file for general purpose routines.
System-type variable type definitions.
Definition: parse.h:81
Type definitions for maths.
#define LF
Definition: parse.c:175
#define CR
Definition: parse.c:176
#define DIC
Definition: parse.c:177