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Protein Structure C Library
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1 /************************************************************************/
2 /**
4  \file align.c
6  \version V3.6
7  \date 04.01.16
8  \brief Perform Needleman & Wunsch sequence alignment
10  \copyright (c) UCL / Dr. Andrew C. R. Martin 1993-2016
11  \author Dr. Andrew C. R. Martin
12  \par
13  Institute of Structural & Molecular Biology,
14  University College London,
15  Gower Street,
16  London.
17  WC1E 6BT.
18  \par
22 **************************************************************************
24  This code is NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, but it may be copied
25  according to the conditions laid out in the accompanying file
28  The code may be modified as required, but any modifications must be
29  documented so that the person responsible can be identified.
31  The code may not be sold commercially or included as part of a
32  commercial product except as described in the file COPYING.DOC.
34 **************************************************************************
36  Description:
37  ============
39  A simple Needleman & Wunsch Dynamic Programming alignment of 2
40  sequences.
42  A window is not used so the routine may be a bit slow on long
43  sequences.
45 **************************************************************************
47  Usage:
48  ======
50  First call ReadMDM() to read the mutation data matrix, then call
51  align() to align the sequences.
53 **************************************************************************
55  Revision History:
56  =================
57 - V1.0 19.06.90 Original used in NW program
58 - V2.0 07.10.92 Original extracted from old NW program
59 - V2.1 16.06.93 Tidied for book
60 - V2.2 01.03.94 Changed static variable names
61 - V2.3 18.03.94 getc() -> fgetc()
62 - V2.4 24.11.94 ReadMDM() now looks after searching DATADIR
63 - V2.5 28.02.95 ReadMDM() and other code improved to cope with MDMs of
64  any size
65 - V2.6 26.07.95 Removed unused variables
66 - V2.7 21.08.95 Initialisation of matrix was incorrect leading to errors
67  at the end of the alignment.
68 - V2.8 24.08.95 calcscore() was doing an out-of-bounds array reference
69  if a character wasn't found
70 - V2.9 11.07.96 calcscore() changed to CalcMDMScore() and made
71  non-static
72 - V2.10 09.09.96 Improved comments for ReadMDM()
73 - V2.11 17.09.96 Added ZeroMDM()
74 - V3.0 06.03.00 Traceback code rewritten to use a trace matrix created
75  while the main matrix is populated. New affinealign()
76  routine implemented. align() is now a wrapper to that.
77 - V3.1 06.02.03 Fixed for new version of GetWord()
78 - V3.2 27.02.07 Added affinealineuc() and CalcMDMScoreUC()
79 - V3.3 07.04.09 Complete re-write of ReadMDM() so it can read BLAST
80  style matrix files as well as our own
81 - V3.4 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
82 - V3.5 26.08.14 Added blSetMDMScoreWeight() By: ACRM
83 - V3.6 04.01.16 Added special calls to blCalcMDMScore() and
84  blCalcMDMScoreUC() to silence warnings. Warnings now
85  go to stderr
87 *************************************************************************/
88 /* Doxygen
89  -------
90  #GROUP Handling Sequence Data
91  #SUBGROUP Alignment
93  #FUNCTION blAlign()
94  Perform simple N&W alignment of seq1 and seq2. A single gap penalty
95  is used so there is no extension penalty
97  #FUNCTION blAffinealign()
98  Perform simple N&W alignment of seq1 and seq2 with separate gap
99  opening and extension penalties
101  #FUNCTION blAffinealignuc()
102  Perform simple N&W alignment of seq1 and seq2 with separate gap
103  opening and extension penalties. Optimized for DNA sequences
105  #FUNCTION blReadMDM()
106  Read mutation data matrix into static global arrays for use by
107  alignment code
109  #FUNCTION blCalcMDMScore()
110  Calculates a score for comparing two amino acids using a mutation
111  data matrix
113  #FUNCTION blCalcMDMScoreUC()
114  As blCalcMDMScore() but upcases the amino acid labels before
115  calculation
117  #FUNCTION blZeroMDM()
118  Modifies all values in the MDM such that the minimum value is 0
120  #FUNCTION blSetMDMScoreWeight()
121  Apply a weight to a particular amino acid substitution. Modifies
122  the scoring matrix read by blReadMDM()
124 */
125 /************************************************************************/
126 /* Includes
127 */
128 #include <stdio.h>
129 #include <stdlib.h>
130 #include <string.h>
131 #include <ctype.h>
133 #include "SysDefs.h"
134 #include "macros.h"
135 #include "array.h"
136 #include "general.h"
137 #include "seq.h"
139 /************************************************************************/
140 /* Defines and macros
141 */
142 #ifndef MAX
143 #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
144 #endif
146 #define MAX3(c,d,e) (MAX(MAX((c),(d)),(e)))
148 #define DATAENV "DATADIR" /* Environment variable or assign */
150 #define MAXBUFF 400
151 #define MAXWORD 16
153 /* Type definition to store a X,Y coordinate pair in the matrix */
154 typedef struct
155 {
156  int x, y;
157 } XY;
160 /************************************************************************/
161 /* Globals
162 */
163 static int **sMDMScore;
164 static char *sMDM_AAList;
165 static int sMDMSize = 0;
167 /************************************************************************/
168 /* Prototypes
169 */
170 static int SearchForBest(int **matrix, int length1, int length2,
171  int *BestI, int *BestJ, char *seq1, char *seq2,
172  char *align1, char *align2);
173 static int TraceBack(int **matrix, XY **dirn, int length1, int length2,
174  char *seq1, char *seq2, char *align1, char *align2,
175  int *align_len);
178 /************************************************************************/
179 /*>int blAlign(char *seq1, int length1, char *seq2, int length2,
180  BOOL verbose, BOOL identity, int penalty,
181  char *align1, char *align2, int *align_len)
182  -----------------------------------------------------------
183 *//**
185  \param[in] *seq1 First sequence
186  \param[in] length1 First sequence length
187  \param[in] *seq2 Second sequence
188  \param[in] length2 Second sequence length
189  \param[in] verbose Display N&W matrix
190  \param[in] identity Use identity matrix
191  \param[in] penalty Gap insertion penalty value
192  \param[out] *align1 Sequence 1 aligned
193  \param[out] *align2 Sequence 2 aligned
194  \param[out] *align_len Alignment length
195  \return Alignment score (0 on error)
197  Perform simple N&W alignment of seq1 and seq2. No window is used, so
198  will be slow for long sequences.
200  A single gap penalty is used, so gap extension incurrs no further
201  penalty.
203  Note that you must allocate sufficient memory for the aligned
204  sequences.
205  The easy way to do this is to ensure that align1 and align2 are
206  of length (length1+length2).
208 - 06.03.00 Implemented as a wrapper to affinealign() which is the old
209  align() routine, plus support for affine gap penalties,
210  plus new traceback code based on storing the path as we
211  go
212 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
213 */
214 int blAlign(char *seq1,
215  int length1,
216  char *seq2,
217  int length2,
218  BOOL verbose,
219  BOOL identity,
220  int penalty,
221  char *align1,
222  char *align2,
223  int *align_len)
224 {
225  return(blAffinealign(seq1, length1, seq2, length2, verbose, identity,
226  penalty, 0, align1, align2, align_len));
227 }
230 /************************************************************************/
231 /*>int blAffinealign(char *seq1, int length1, char *seq2, int length2,
232  BOOL verbose, BOOL identity, int penalty, int penext,
233  char *align1, char *align2, int *align_len)
234  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
235 *//**
237  \param[in] *seq1 First sequence
238  \param[in] length1 First sequence length
239  \param[in] *seq2 Second sequence
240  \param[in] length2 Second sequence length
241  \param[in] verbose Display N&W matrix
242  \param[in] identity Use identity matrix
243  \param[in] penalty Gap insertion penalty value
244  \param[in] penext Extension penalty
245  \param[out] *align1 Sequence 1 aligned
246  \param[out] *align2 Sequence 2 aligned
247  \param[out] *align_len Alignment length
248  \return Alignment score (0 on error)
250  Perform simple N&W alignment of seq1 and seq2. No window is used, so
251  will be slow for long sequences.
253  Note that you must allocate sufficient memory for the aligned
254  sequences.
255  The easy way to do this is to ensure that align1 and align2 are
256  of length (length1+length2).
258 - 07.10.92 Adapted from original written while at NIMR
259 - 08.10.92 Split into separate routines
260 - 09.10.92 Changed best structure to simple integers, moved
261  SearchForBest() into TraceBack()
262 - 21.08.95 Was only filling in the bottom right cell at initialisation
263  rather than all the right hand column and bottom row
264 - 11.07.96 Changed calls to calcscore() to CalcMDMScore()
265 - 06.03.00 Changed name to affinealign() (the routine align() is
266  provided as a backwards compatible wrapper). Added penext
267  parameter. Now supports affine gap penalties with separate
268  opening and extension penalties. The code now maintains
269  the path as it goes.
270 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
271 **************************************************************************
272 ****** NOTE AND CHANGES SHOULD BE PROPAGATED TO affinealignuc() ******
273 **************************************************************************
274 */
275 int blAffinealign(char *seq1,
276  int length1,
277  char *seq2,
278  int length2,
279  BOOL verbose,
280  BOOL identity,
281  int penalty,
282  int penext,
283  char *align1,
284  char *align2,
285  int *align_len)
286 {
287  XY **dirn = NULL;
288  int **matrix = NULL,
289  maxdim,
290  i, j, k, l,
291  i1, j1,
292  dia, right, down,
293  rcell, dcell, maxoff,
294  match = 1,
295  thisscore,
296  gapext,
297  score;
299  maxdim = MAX(length1, length2);
301  /* Initialise the score matrix */
302  if((matrix = (int **)blArray2D(sizeof(int), maxdim, maxdim))==NULL)
303  return(0);
304  if((dirn = (XY **)blArray2D(sizeof(XY), maxdim, maxdim))==NULL)
305  return(0);
307  for(i=0;i<maxdim;i++)
308  {
309  for(j=0;j<maxdim;j++)
310  {
311  matrix[i][j] = 0;
312  dirn[i][j].x = -1;
313  dirn[i][j].y = -1;
314  }
315  }
317  /* Fill in scores up the right hand side of the matrix */
318  for(j=0; j<length2; j++)
319  {
320  if(identity)
321  {
322  if(seq1[length1-1] == seq2[j]) matrix[length1-1][j] = match;
323  }
324  else
325  {
326  matrix[length1-1][j] = blCalcMDMScore(seq1[length1-1], seq2[j]);
327  }
328  }
330  /* Fill in scores along the bottom row of the matrix */
331  for(i=0; i<length1; i++)
332  {
333  if(identity)
334  {
335  if(seq1[i] == seq2[length2-1]) matrix[i][length2-1] = match;
336  }
337  else
338  {
339  matrix[i][length2-1] = blCalcMDMScore(seq1[i], seq2[length2-1]);
340  }
341  }
343  i = length1 - 1;
344  j = length2 - 1;
346  /* Move back along the diagonal */
347  while(i > 0 && j > 0)
348  {
349  i--;
350  j--;
352  /* Fill in the scores along this row */
353  for(i1 = i; i1 > -1; i1--)
354  {
355  dia = matrix[i1+1][j+1];
357  /* Find highest score to right of diagonal */
358  rcell = i1+2;
359  if(i1+2 >= length1) right = 0;
360  else right = matrix[i1+2][j+1] - penalty;
362  gapext = 1;
363  for(k = i1+3; k<length1; k++, gapext++)
364  {
365  thisscore = matrix[k][j+1] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
367  if(thisscore > right)
368  {
369  right = thisscore;
370  rcell = k;
371  }
372  }
374  /* Find highest score below diagonal */
375  dcell = j+2;
376  if(j+2 >= length2) down = 0;
377  else down = matrix[i1+1][j+2] - penalty;
379  gapext = 1;
380  for(l = j+3; l<length2; l++, gapext++)
381  {
382  thisscore = matrix[i1+1][l] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
384  if(thisscore > down)
385  {
386  down = thisscore;
387  dcell = l;
388  }
389  }
391  /* Set score to best of these */
392  maxoff = MAX(right, down);
393  if(dia >= maxoff)
394  {
395  matrix[i1][j] = dia;
396  dirn[i1][j].x = i1+1;
397  dirn[i1][j].y = j+1;
398  }
399  else
400  {
401  if(right > down)
402  {
403  matrix[i1][j] = right;
404  dirn[i1][j].x = rcell;
405  dirn[i1][j].y = j+1;
406  }
407  else
408  {
409  matrix[i1][j] = down;
410  dirn[i1][j].x = i1+1;
411  dirn[i1][j].y = dcell;
412  }
413  }
415  /* Add the score for a match */
416  if(identity)
417  {
418  if(seq1[i1] == seq2[j]) matrix[i1][j] += match;
419  }
420  else
421  {
422  matrix[i1][j] += blCalcMDMScore(seq1[i1],seq2[j]);
423  }
424  }
426  /* Fill in the scores in this column */
427  for(j1 = j; j1 > -1; j1--)
428  {
429  dia = matrix[i+1][j1+1];
431  /* Find highest score to right of diagonal */
432  rcell = i+2;
433  if(i+2 >= length1) right = 0;
434  else right = matrix[i+2][j1+1] - penalty;
436  gapext = 1;
437  for(k = i+3; k<length1; k++, gapext++)
438  {
439  thisscore = matrix[k][j1+1] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
441  if(thisscore > right)
442  {
443  right = thisscore;
444  rcell = k;
445  }
446  }
448  /* Find highest score below diagonal */
449  dcell = j1+2;
450  if(j1+2 >= length2) down = 0;
451  else down = matrix[i+1][j1+2] - penalty;
453  gapext = 1;
454  for(l = j1+3; l<length2; l++, gapext++)
455  {
456  thisscore = matrix[i+1][l] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
458  if(thisscore > down)
459  {
460  down = thisscore;
461  dcell = l;
462  }
463  }
465  /* Set score to best of these */
466  maxoff = MAX(right, down);
467  if(dia >= maxoff)
468  {
469  matrix[i][j1] = dia;
470  dirn[i][j1].x = i+1;
471  dirn[i][j1].y = j1+1;
472  }
473  else
474  {
475  if(right > down)
476  {
477  matrix[i][j1] = right;
478  dirn[i][j1].x = rcell;
479  dirn[i][j1].y = j1+1;
480  }
481  else
482  {
483  matrix[i][j1] = down;
484  dirn[i][j1].x = i+1;
485  dirn[i][j1].y = dcell;
486  }
487  }
489  /* Add the score for a match */
490  if(identity)
491  {
492  if(seq1[i] == seq2[j1]) matrix[i][j1] += match;
493  }
494  else
495  {
496  matrix[i][j1] += blCalcMDMScore(seq1[i],seq2[j1]);
497  }
498  }
499  }
501  score = TraceBack(matrix, dirn, length1, length2,
502  seq1, seq2, align1, align2, align_len);
504  if(verbose)
505  {
506  printf("Matrix:\n-------\n");
507  for(j=0; j<length2;j++)
508  {
509  for(i=0; i<length1; i++)
510  {
511  printf("%3d ",matrix[i][j]);
512  }
513  printf("\n");
514  }
516  printf("Path:\n-----\n");
517  for(j=0; j<length2;j++)
518  {
519  for(i=0; i<length1; i++)
520  {
521  printf("(%3d,%3d) ",dirn[i][j].x,dirn[i][j].y);
522  }
523  printf("\n");
524  }
525  }
527  blFreeArray2D((char **)matrix, maxdim, maxdim);
528  blFreeArray2D((char **)dirn, maxdim, maxdim);
530  return(score);
531 }
534 /************************************************************************/
535 /*>int blAffinealignuc(char *seq1, int length1, char *seq2, int length2,
536  BOOL verbose, BOOL identity, int penalty,
537  int penext, char *align1, char *align2,
538  int *align_len)
539  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
540 *//**
542  \param[in] *seq1 First sequence
543  \param[in] length1 First sequence length
544  \param[in] *seq2 Second sequence
545  \param[in] length2 Second sequence length
546  \param[in] verbose Display N&W matrix
547  \param[in] identity Use identity matrix
548  \param[in] penalty Gap insertion penalty value
549  \param[in] penext Extension penalty
550  \param[out] *align1 Sequence 1 aligned
551  \param[out] *align2 Sequence 2 aligned
552  \param[out] *align_len Alignment length
553  \return Alignment score (0 on error)
555  Perform simple N&W alignment of seq1 and seq2. No window is used, so
556  will be slow for long sequences.
558  Note that you must allocate sufficient memory for the aligned
559  sequences.
560  The easy way to do this is to ensure that align1 and align2 are
561  of length (length1+length2).
563 - 07.10.92 Adapted from original written while at NIMR
564 - 08.10.92 Split into separate routines
565 - 09.10.92 Changed best structure to simple integers, moved
566  SearchForBest() into TraceBack()
567 - 21.08.95 Was only filling in the bottom right cell at initialisation
568  rather than all the right hand column and bottom row
569 - 11.07.96 Changed calls to calcscore() to CalcMDMScore()
570 - 06.03.00 Changed name to affinealign() (the routine align() is
571  provided as a backwards compatible wrapper). Added penext
572  parameter. Now supports affine gap penalties with separate
573  opening and extension penalties. The code now maintains
574  the path as it goes.
575 - 27.02.07 Exactly as affinealign() but upcases characters before
576  comparison
577 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
579 **************************************************************************
580 ****** NOTE AND CHANGES SHOULD BE PROPAGATED TO affinealign() ******
581 **************************************************************************
582 */
583 int blAffinealignuc(char *seq1,
584  int length1,
585  char *seq2,
586  int length2,
587  BOOL verbose,
588  BOOL identity,
589  int penalty,
590  int penext,
591  char *align1,
592  char *align2,
593  int *align_len)
594 {
595  XY **dirn = NULL;
596  int **matrix = NULL,
597  maxdim,
598  i, j, k, l,
599  i1, j1,
600  dia, right, down,
601  rcell, dcell, maxoff,
602  match = 1,
603  thisscore,
604  gapext,
605  score;
607  maxdim = MAX(length1, length2);
609  /* Initialise the score matrix */
610  if((matrix = (int **)blArray2D(sizeof(int), maxdim, maxdim))==NULL)
611  return(0);
612  if((dirn = (XY **)blArray2D(sizeof(XY), maxdim, maxdim))==NULL)
613  return(0);
615  for(i=0;i<maxdim;i++)
616  {
617  for(j=0;j<maxdim;j++)
618  {
619  matrix[i][j] = 0;
620  dirn[i][j].x = -1;
621  dirn[i][j].y = -1;
622  }
623  }
625  /* Fill in scores up the right hand side of the matrix */
626  for(j=0; j<length2; j++)
627  {
628  if(identity)
629  {
630  if(seq1[length1-1] == seq2[j]) matrix[length1-1][j] = match;
631  }
632  else
633  {
634  matrix[length1-1][j] = blCalcMDMScoreUC(seq1[length1-1],seq2[j]);
635  }
636  }
638  /* Fill in scores along the bottom row of the matrix */
639  for(i=0; i<length1; i++)
640  {
641  if(identity)
642  {
643  if(seq1[i] == seq2[length2-1]) matrix[i][length2-1] = match;
644  }
645  else
646  {
647  matrix[i][length2-1] = blCalcMDMScoreUC(seq1[i],seq2[length2-1]);
648  }
649  }
651  i = length1 - 1;
652  j = length2 - 1;
654  /* Move back along the diagonal */
655  while(i > 0 && j > 0)
656  {
657  i--;
658  j--;
660  /* Fill in the scores along this row */
661  for(i1 = i; i1 > -1; i1--)
662  {
663  dia = matrix[i1+1][j+1];
665  /* Find highest score to right of diagonal */
666  rcell = i1+2;
667  if(i1+2 >= length1) right = 0;
668  else right = matrix[i1+2][j+1] - penalty;
670  gapext = 1;
671  for(k = i1+3; k<length1; k++, gapext++)
672  {
673  thisscore = matrix[k][j+1] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
675  if(thisscore > right)
676  {
677  right = thisscore;
678  rcell = k;
679  }
680  }
682  /* Find highest score below diagonal */
683  dcell = j+2;
684  if(j+2 >= length2) down = 0;
685  else down = matrix[i1+1][j+2] - penalty;
687  gapext = 1;
688  for(l = j+3; l<length2; l++, gapext++)
689  {
690  thisscore = matrix[i1+1][l] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
692  if(thisscore > down)
693  {
694  down = thisscore;
695  dcell = l;
696  }
697  }
699  /* Set score to best of these */
700  maxoff = MAX(right, down);
701  if(dia >= maxoff)
702  {
703  matrix[i1][j] = dia;
704  dirn[i1][j].x = i1+1;
705  dirn[i1][j].y = j+1;
706  }
707  else
708  {
709  if(right > down)
710  {
711  matrix[i1][j] = right;
712  dirn[i1][j].x = rcell;
713  dirn[i1][j].y = j+1;
714  }
715  else
716  {
717  matrix[i1][j] = down;
718  dirn[i1][j].x = i1+1;
719  dirn[i1][j].y = dcell;
720  }
721  }
723  /* Add the score for a match */
724  if(identity)
725  {
726  if(seq1[i1] == seq2[j]) matrix[i1][j] += match;
727  }
728  else
729  {
730  matrix[i1][j] += blCalcMDMScoreUC(seq1[i1],seq2[j]);
731  }
732  }
734  /* Fill in the scores in this column */
735  for(j1 = j; j1 > -1; j1--)
736  {
737  dia = matrix[i+1][j1+1];
739  /* Find highest score to right of diagonal */
740  rcell = i+2;
741  if(i+2 >= length1) right = 0;
742  else right = matrix[i+2][j1+1] - penalty;
744  gapext = 1;
745  for(k = i+3; k<length1; k++, gapext++)
746  {
747  thisscore = matrix[k][j1+1] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
749  if(thisscore > right)
750  {
751  right = thisscore;
752  rcell = k;
753  }
754  }
756  /* Find highest score below diagonal */
757  dcell = j1+2;
758  if(j1+2 >= length2) down = 0;
759  else down = matrix[i+1][j1+2] - penalty;
761  gapext = 1;
762  for(l = j1+3; l<length2; l++, gapext++)
763  {
764  thisscore = matrix[i+1][l] - (penalty + gapext*penext);
766  if(thisscore > down)
767  {
768  down = thisscore;
769  dcell = l;
770  }
771  }
773  /* Set score to best of these */
774  maxoff = MAX(right, down);
775  if(dia >= maxoff)
776  {
777  matrix[i][j1] = dia;
778  dirn[i][j1].x = i+1;
779  dirn[i][j1].y = j1+1;
780  }
781  else
782  {
783  if(right > down)
784  {
785  matrix[i][j1] = right;
786  dirn[i][j1].x = rcell;
787  dirn[i][j1].y = j1+1;
788  }
789  else
790  {
791  matrix[i][j1] = down;
792  dirn[i][j1].x = i+1;
793  dirn[i][j1].y = dcell;
794  }
795  }
797  /* Add the score for a match */
798  if(identity)
799  {
800  if(seq1[i] == seq2[j1]) matrix[i][j1] += match;
801  }
802  else
803  {
804  matrix[i][j1] += blCalcMDMScoreUC(seq1[i],seq2[j1]);
805  }
806  }
807  }
809  score = TraceBack(matrix, dirn, length1, length2,
810  seq1, seq2, align1, align2, align_len);
812  if(verbose)
813  {
814  printf("Matrix:\n-------\n");
815  for(j=0; j<length2;j++)
816  {
817  for(i=0; i<length1; i++)
818  {
819  printf("%3d ",matrix[i][j]);
820  }
821  printf("\n");
822  }
824  printf("Path:\n-----\n");
825  for(j=0; j<length2;j++)
826  {
827  for(i=0; i<length1; i++)
828  {
829  printf("(%3d,%3d) ",dirn[i][j].x,dirn[i][j].y);
830  }
831  printf("\n");
832  }
833  }
835  blFreeArray2D((char **)matrix, maxdim, maxdim);
836  blFreeArray2D((char **)dirn, maxdim, maxdim);
838  return(score);
839 }
842 /************************************************************************/
843 /*>BOOL blReadMDM(char *mdmfile)
844  -----------------------------
845 *//**
847  \param[in] *mdmfile Mutation data matrix filename
848  \return Success?
850  Read mutation data matrix into static global arrays. The matrix may
851  have comments at the start introduced with a ! in the first column.
852  The matrix must be complete (i.e. a triangular matrix will not
853  work). A line describing the residue types must appear, and may
854  be placed before or after the matrix itself
856 - 07.10.92 Original
857 - 18.03.94 getc() -> fgetc()
858 - 24.11.94 Automatically looks in DATAENV if not found in current
859  directory
860 - 28.02.95 Modified to read any size MDM and allow comments
861  Also allows the list of aa types before or after the actual
862  matrix
863 - 26.07.95 Removed unused variables
864 - 06.02.03 Fixed for new version of GetWord()
865 - 07.04.09 Completely re-written to allow it to read BLAST style matrix
866  files as well as the ones used previously
867  Allow comments introduced with # as well as !
868  Uses MAXWORD rather than hardcoded 16
869 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
870 */
871 BOOL blReadMDM(char *mdmfile)
872 {
873  FILE *mdm = NULL;
874  int i, j, k, row, tmpStoreSize;
875  char buffer[MAXBUFF],
876  word[MAXWORD],
877  *p,
878  **tmpStore;
879  BOOL noenv;
881  if((mdm=blOpenFile(mdmfile, DATAENV, "r", &noenv))==NULL)
882  {
883  return(FALSE);
884  }
886  /* First read the file to determine the dimensions */
887  while(fgets(buffer,MAXBUFF,mdm))
888  {
889  TERMINATE(buffer);
890  KILLLEADSPACES(p,buffer);
892  /* First line which is non-blank and non-comment */
893  if(strlen(p) && p[0] != '!' && p[0] != '#')
894  {
895  sMDMSize = 0;
896  for(p = buffer; p!=NULL;)
897  {
898  p = blGetWord(p, word, MAXWORD);
899  /* Increment counter if this is numeric */
900  if(isdigit(word[0]) ||
901  ((word[0] == '-')&&(isdigit(word[1]))))
902  sMDMSize++;
903  }
904  if(sMDMSize)
905  break;
906  }
907  }
909  /* Allocate memory for the MDM and the AA List */
910  if((sMDMScore = (int **)blArray2D(sizeof(int),sMDMSize,sMDMSize))==NULL)
911  return(FALSE);
912  if((sMDM_AAList = (char *)malloc((sMDMSize+1)*sizeof(char)))==NULL)
913  {
914  blFreeArray2D((char **)sMDMScore, sMDMSize, sMDMSize);
915  return(FALSE);
916  }
918  /* Allocate temporary storage for a row from the matrix */
919  tmpStoreSize = 2*sMDMSize;
920  if((tmpStore = (char **)blArray2D(sizeof(char), tmpStoreSize, MAXWORD))
921  ==NULL)
922  {
923  free(sMDM_AAList);
924  blFreeArray2D((char **)sMDMScore, sMDMSize, sMDMSize);
925  return(FALSE);
926  }
928  /* Fill the matrix with zeros */
929  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
930  {
931  for(j=0; j<sMDMSize; j++)
932  {
933  sMDMScore[i][j] = 0;
934  }
935  }
937  /* Rewind the file and read the actual data */
938  rewind(mdm);
939  row = 0;
940  while(fgets(buffer,MAXBUFF,mdm))
941  {
942  int Numeric;
944  TERMINATE(buffer);
945  KILLLEADSPACES(p,buffer);
947  /* Check line is non-blank and non-comment */
948  if(strlen(p) && p[0] != '!' && p[0] != '#')
949  {
950  Numeric = 0;
951  for(p = buffer, i = 0; p!=NULL && i<tmpStoreSize; i++)
952  {
953  p = blGetWord(p, tmpStore[i], MAXWORD);
954  /* Incremement Numeric counter if it's a numeric field */
955  if(isdigit(tmpStore[i][0]) ||
956  ((tmpStore[i][0] == '-')&&(isdigit(tmpStore[i][1]))))
957  {
958  Numeric++;
959  }
960  }
962  /* No numeric fields so it is the amino acid names */
963  if(Numeric == 0)
964  {
965  for(j = 0; j<i && j<sMDMSize; j++)
966  {
967  sMDM_AAList[j] = tmpStore[j][0];
968  }
969  }
970  else
971  {
972  /* There were numeric fields, so copy them into the matrix,
973  skipping any non-numeric fields
974  j counts the input fields
975  k counts the fields in sMDMScore
976  row counts the row in sMDMScore
977  */
978  for(j=0, k=0; j<i && k<sMDMSize; j++)
979  {
980  if(isdigit(tmpStore[j][0]) ||
981  ((tmpStore[j][0] == '-')&&(isdigit(tmpStore[j][1]))))
982  {
983  sscanf(tmpStore[j],"%d",&(sMDMScore[row][k]));
984  k++;
985  }
986  }
988  row++;
989  }
990  }
991  }
992  fclose(mdm);
993  blFreeArray2D((char **)tmpStore, tmpStoreSize, MAXWORD);
995  return(TRUE);
996 }
999 /************************************************************************/
1000 /*>static int SearchForBest(int **matrix, int length1, int length2,
1001  int *BestI, int *BestJ, char *seq1,
1002  char *seq2, char *align1, char *align2)
1003  ----------------------------------------------------------------
1004 *//**
1006  \param[in] **matrix N&W matrix
1007  \param[in] length1 Length of first sequence
1008  \param[in] length2 Length of second sequence
1009  \param[in] *BestI x position of highest score
1010  \param[in] *BestJ y position of highest score
1011  \param[in] *seq1 First sequence
1012  \param[in] *seq2 Second sequence
1013  \param[out] *align1 First sequence with end aligned correctly
1014  \param[out] *align2 Second sequence with end aligned correctly
1015  \return Alignment length thus far
1017  Searches the outside of the matrix for the best score and starts the
1018  alignment by putting in any starting - characters.
1020 - 08.10.92 Original extracted from Align()
1021 */
1022 static int SearchForBest(int **matrix,
1023  int length1,
1024  int length2,
1025  int *BestI,
1026  int *BestJ,
1027  char *seq1,
1028  char *seq2,
1029  char *align1,
1030  char *align2)
1031 {
1032  int ai,
1033  besti, bestj,
1034  i, j;
1036  /* Now search the outside of the matrix for the highest scoring cell */
1037  ai = 0;
1038  besti = 0;
1039  for(i = 1; i < length1; i++)
1040  {
1041  if(matrix[i][0] > matrix[besti][0]) besti = i;
1042  }
1043  bestj = 0;
1044  for(j = 1; j < length2; j++)
1045  {
1046  if(matrix[0][j] > matrix[0][bestj]) bestj = j;
1047  }
1048  if(matrix[besti][0] > matrix[0][bestj])
1049  {
1050  *BestI = besti;
1051  *BestJ = 0;
1052  for(i=0; i<*BestI; i++)
1053  {
1054  align1[ai] = seq1[i];
1055  align2[ai++] = '-';
1056  }
1057  }
1058  else
1059  {
1060  *BestI = 0;
1061  *BestJ = bestj;
1062  for(j=0; j<*BestJ; j++)
1063  {
1064  align1[ai] = '-';
1065  align2[ai++] = seq2[j];
1066  }
1067  }
1068  return(ai);
1069 }
1072 /************************************************************************/
1073 /*>static int TraceBack(int **matrix, XY **dirn,
1074  int length1, int length2,
1075  char *seq1, char *seq2, char *align1,
1076  char *align2, int *align_len)
1077  ----------------------------------------------------------
1078 *//**
1079  \param[in] **matrix N&W matrix
1080  \param[in] **dirn Direction Matrix
1081  \param[in] length1 Length of first sequence
1082  \param[in] length2 Length of second sequence
1083  \param[in] *seq1 First sequence
1084  \param[in] *seq2 Second sequence
1085  \param[out] *align1 First sequence aligned
1086  \param[out] *align2 Second sequence aligned
1087  \param[out] *align_len Aligned sequence length
1088  \return Alignment score
1090  Does the traceback to find the aligment.
1092 - 08.10.92 Original extracted from Align(). Rewritten to do tracing
1093  correctly.
1094 - 09.10.92 Changed to call SearchForBest(). Nor returns score rather than
1095  length.
1096 - 06.03.00 Recoded to take the path matrix which is calculated within
1097  the main affinealign() routine rather than calculating the
1098  path as we go. penalty parameter removed as this is no longer
1099  needed. dirn parameter added.
1100 - 28.09.00 Fixed bug where last inserts were printed properly if one chain
1101  ended first
1102 */
1103 static int TraceBack(int **matrix,
1104  XY **dirn,
1105  int length1,
1106  int length2,
1107  char *seq1,
1108  char *seq2,
1109  char *align1,
1110  char *align2,
1111  int *align_len)
1112 {
1113  int i, j,
1114  ai,
1115  BestI,BestJ;
1116  XY nextCell;
1118  ai = SearchForBest(matrix, length1, length2, &BestI, &BestJ,
1119  seq1, seq2, align1, align2);
1121  /* Now trace back to find the alignment */
1122  i = BestI;
1123  j = BestJ;
1124  align1[ai] = seq1[i];
1125  align2[ai++] = seq2[j];
1127  while(i < length1-1 && j < length2-1)
1128  {
1129  nextCell.x = dirn[i][j].x;
1130  nextCell.y = dirn[i][j].y;
1131  if((nextCell.x == i+1) && (nextCell.y == j+1))
1132  {
1133  /* We are inheriting from the diagonal */
1134  i++;
1135  j++;
1136  }
1137  else if(nextCell.y == j+1)
1138  {
1139  /* We are inheriting from the off-diagonal inserting a gap in
1140  the y-sequence (seq2)
1141  */
1142  i++;
1143  j++;
1144  while((i < nextCell.x) && (i < length1-1))
1145  {
1146  align1[ai] = seq1[i++];
1147  align2[ai++] = '-';
1148  }
1149  }
1150  else if(nextCell.x == i+1)
1151  {
1152  /* We are inheriting from the off-diagonal inserting a gap in
1153  the x-sequence (seq1)
1154  */
1155  i++;
1156  j++;
1157  while((j < nextCell.y) && (j < length2-1))
1158  {
1159  align1[ai] = '-';
1160  align2[ai++] = seq2[j++];
1161  }
1162  }
1163  else
1164  {
1165  /* Cockup! */
1166  fprintf(stderr,"align.c/TraceBack() internal error\n");
1167  }
1169  align1[ai] = seq1[i];
1170  align2[ai++] = seq2[j];
1171  }
1173  /* If one sequence finished first, fill in the end with insertions */
1174  if(i < length1-1)
1175  {
1176  for(j=i+1; j<length1; j++)
1177  {
1178  align1[ai] = seq1[j];
1179  align2[ai++] = '-';
1180  }
1181  }
1182  else if(j < length2-1)
1183  {
1184  for(i=j+1; i<length2; i++)
1185  {
1186  align1[ai] = '-';
1187  align2[ai++] = seq2[i];
1188  }
1189  }
1191  *align_len = ai;
1193  return(matrix[BestI][BestJ]);
1194 }
1197 /************************************************************************/
1198 /*>int blCalcMDMScore(char resa, char resb)
1199  ----------------------------------------
1200 *//**
1202  \param[in] resa First residue
1203  \param[in] resb Second residue
1204  \return score
1206  Calculate score from static globally stored mutation data matrix
1208  If both residues are set as '\0' it will simply silence all warnings
1210 - 07.10.92 Adapted from NIMR-written original
1211 - 24.11.94 Only gives 10 warnings
1212 - 28.02.95 Modified to use sMDMSize
1213 - 24.08.95 If a residue was not found was doing an out-of-bounds array
1214  reference causing a potential core dump
1215 - 11.07.96 Name changed from calcscore() and now non-static
1216 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
1217 - 04.01.16 Added special call with both residues set to '\0' to silence
1218  warnings. Also warnings now go to stderr
1219 */
1220 int blCalcMDMScore(char resa, char resb)
1221 {
1222  int i,j;
1223  static int NWarn = 0;
1224  BOOL Warned = FALSE;
1226  if((resa == '\0') && (resb == '\0'))
1227  {
1228  NWarn = 100;
1229  return(0);
1230  }
1232  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
1233  {
1234  if(resa==sMDM_AAList[i]) break;
1235  }
1237  if(i==sMDMSize)
1238  {
1239  if(NWarn < 10)
1240  fprintf(stderr, "Residue %c not found in matrix\n", resa);
1241  else if(NWarn == 10)
1242  fprintf(stderr, "More residues not found in matrix...\n");
1244  Warned = TRUE;
1245  }
1247  for(j=0; j<sMDMSize; j++)
1248  {
1249  if(resb==sMDM_AAList[j]) break;
1250  }
1252  if(j==sMDMSize)
1253  {
1254  if(NWarn < 10)
1255  fprintf(stderr, "Residue %c not found in matrix\n", resb);
1256  else if(NWarn == 10)
1257  fprintf(stderr, "More residues not found in matrix...\n");
1259  Warned = TRUE;
1260  }
1262  if(Warned)
1263  {
1264  NWarn++;
1265  return(0);
1266  }
1268  return(sMDMScore[i][j]);
1269 }
1271 /************************************************************************/
1272 /*>int blCalcMDMScoreUC(char resa, char resb)
1273  ------------------------------------------
1274 *//**
1276  \param[in] resa First residue
1277  \param[in] resb Second residue
1278  \return score
1280  Calculate score from static globally stored mutation data matrix
1282 - 07.10.92 Adapted from NIMR-written original
1283 - 24.11.94 Only gives 10 warnings
1284 - 28.02.95 Modified to use sMDMSize
1285 - 24.08.95 If a residue was not found was doing an out-of-bounds array
1286  reference causing a potential core dump
1287 - 11.07.96 Name changed from calcscore() and now non-static
1288 - 27.02.07 As CalcMDMScore() but upcases characters before comparison
1289 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
1290 - 04.01.16 Added special call with both residues set to '\0' to silence
1291  warnings. Also warnings now go to stderr
1292 */
1293 int blCalcMDMScoreUC(char resa, char resb)
1294 {
1295  int i,j;
1296  static int NWarn = 0;
1297  BOOL Warned = FALSE;
1299  if((resa == '\0') && (resb == '\0'))
1300  {
1301  NWarn = 10;
1302  return(0);
1303  }
1305  resa = (islower(resa)?toupper(resa):resa);
1306  resb = (islower(resb)?toupper(resb):resb);
1308  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
1309  {
1310  if(resa==sMDM_AAList[i]) break;
1311  }
1313  if(i==sMDMSize)
1314  {
1315  if(NWarn < 10)
1316  fprintf(stderr, "Residue %c not found in matrix\n", resa);
1317  else if(NWarn == 10)
1318  fprintf(stderr, "More residues not found in matrix...\n");
1320  Warned = TRUE;
1321  }
1323  for(j=0; j<sMDMSize; j++)
1324  {
1325  if(resb==sMDM_AAList[j]) break;
1326  }
1328  if(j==sMDMSize)
1329  {
1330  if(NWarn < 10)
1331  fprintf(stderr, "Residue %c not found in matrix\n", resb);
1332  else if(NWarn == 10)
1333  fprintf(stderr, "More residues not found in matrix...\n");
1335  Warned = TRUE;
1336  }
1338  if(Warned)
1339  {
1340  NWarn++;
1341  return(0);
1342  }
1344  return(sMDMScore[i][j]);
1345 }
1347 /************************************************************************/
1348 /*>int blZeroMDM(void)
1349  -------------------
1350 *//**
1352  \return Maximum value in modified matrix
1354  Modifies all values in the MDM such that the minimum value is 0
1355 - 17.09.96 Original
1356 - 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP
1357 */
1358 int blZeroMDM(void)
1359 {
1360  int MinVal = sMDMScore[0][0],
1361  MaxVal = sMDMScore[0][0],
1362  i, j;
1364  /* Find the minimum and maximum values on the matrix */
1365  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
1366  {
1367  for(j=0; j<sMDMSize; j++)
1368  {
1369  if(sMDMScore[i][j] < MinVal)
1370  {
1371  MinVal = sMDMScore[i][j];
1372  }
1373  else if(sMDMScore[i][j] > MaxVal)
1374  {
1375  MaxVal = sMDMScore[i][j];
1376  }
1377  }
1378  }
1380  /* Now subtract the MinVal from all cells in the matrix so it starts
1381  at zero.
1382  */
1383  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
1384  {
1385  for(j=0; j<sMDMSize; j++)
1386  {
1387  sMDMScore[i][j] -= MinVal;
1388  }
1389  }
1391  /* Return maximum value in modified matrix */
1392  return(MaxVal-MinVal);
1393 }
1395 /************************************************************************/
1396 /*>void blSetMDMScoreWeight(char resa, char resb, REAL weight)
1397  -----------------------------------------------------------
1398 *//**
1400  \param[in] resa First residue
1401  \param[in] resb Second residue
1402  \param[in] weight Weight to apply
1404  Apply a weight to a particular amino acid substitution
1406 - 26.08.14 Original By: ACRM
1407 */
1408 void blSetMDMScoreWeight(char resa, char resb, REAL weight)
1409 {
1410  int i,j;
1411  static int NWarn = 0;
1412  BOOL Warned = FALSE;
1414  resa = (islower(resa)?toupper(resa):resa);
1415  resb = (islower(resb)?toupper(resb):resb);
1417  for(i=0;i<sMDMSize;i++)
1418  {
1419  if(resa==sMDM_AAList[i]) break;
1420  }
1421  if(i==sMDMSize)
1422  {
1423  if(NWarn < 10)
1424  printf("Residue %c not found in matrix\n",resa);
1425  else if(NWarn == 10)
1426  printf("More residues not found in matrix...\n");
1427  Warned = TRUE;
1428  }
1429  for(j=0;j<sMDMSize;j++)
1430  {
1431  if(resb==sMDM_AAList[j]) break;
1432  }
1433  if(j==sMDMSize)
1434  {
1435  if(NWarn < 10)
1436  printf("Residue %c not found in matrix\n",resb);
1437  else if(NWarn == 10)
1438  printf("More residues not found in matrix...\n");
1439  Warned = TRUE;
1440  }
1442  if(Warned)
1443  {
1444  NWarn++;
1445  return;
1446  }
1448  sMDMScore[i][j] *= weight;
1449  if(i != j)
1450  {
1451  sMDMScore[j][i] *= weight;
1452  }
1453 }
1456 #ifdef DEMO
1457 int main(int argc, char **argv)
1458 {
1459  char seq1[] = "ACTCLMCT",
1460  seq2[] = "ACTCCT",
1461  align1[100],
1462  align2[100];
1463  int score, al_len;
1464  int i, j;
1466  ReadMDM("pet91.mat");
1468  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
1469  {
1470  printf(" %c", sMDM_AAList[i]);
1471  }
1472  printf("\n");
1474  for(i=0; i<sMDMSize; i++)
1475  {
1476  for(j=0; j<sMDMSize; j++)
1477  {
1478  printf("%3d", sMDMScore[i][j]);
1479  }
1480  printf("\n");
1481  }
1483  score = affinealign(seq1, strlen(seq1), seq2, strlen(seq2),
1484  TRUE, FALSE,
1485  10, 1, align1, align2, &al_len);
1487  align1[al_len] = '\0';
1488  align2[al_len] = '\0';
1490  printf("%s\n", align1);
1491  printf("%s\n", align2);
1493  return(0);
1494 }
1495 #endif
#define MAX(a, b)
Definition: macros.h:239
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: test.c:4
int blCalcMDMScoreUC(char resa, char resb)
Definition: align.c:1293
short BOOL
Definition: SysDefs.h:64
#define NULL
Definition: array2.c:99
#define MAXBUFF
Definition: align.c:150
char ** blArray2D(int size, int dim1, int dim2)
Definition: array2.c:130
int x
Definition: align.c:156
#define FALSE
Definition: macros.h:223
void blSetMDMScoreWeight(char resa, char resb, REAL weight)
Definition: align.c:1408
int blZeroMDM(void)
Definition: align.c:1358
Definition: align.c:154
Useful macros.
Include file for 2D/3D array functions.
FILE * blOpenFile(char *filename, char *envvar, char *mode, BOOL *noenv)
Definition: OpenFile.c:146
#define TERMINATE(x)
Definition: macros.h:366
double REAL
Definition: MathType.h:67
Header file for sequence handling.
int blAffinealignuc(char *seq1, int length1, char *seq2, int length2, BOOL verbose, BOOL identity, int penalty, int penext, char *align1, char *align2, int *align_len)
Definition: align.c:583
void blFreeArray2D(char **array, int dim1, int dim2)
Definition: array2.c:174
#define MAXWORD
Definition: align.c:151
#define TRUE
Definition: macros.h:219
int y
Definition: align.c:156
char * blGetWord(char *buffer, char *word, int maxsize)
Definition: GetWord.c:268
BOOL blReadMDM(char *mdmfile)
Definition: align.c:871
Header file for general purpose routines.
int blAlign(char *seq1, int length1, char *seq2, int length2, BOOL verbose, BOOL identity, int penalty, char *align1, char *align2, int *align_len)
Definition: align.c:214
#define KILLLEADSPACES(y, x)
Definition: macros.h:408
#define DATAENV
Definition: align.c:148
System-type variable type definitions.
int blCalcMDMScore(char resa, char resb)
Definition: align.c:1220
int blAffinealign(char *seq1, int length1, char *seq2, int length2, BOOL verbose, BOOL identity, int penalty, int penext, char *align1, char *align2, int *align_len)
Definition: align.c:275