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TorCoor.c File Reference

Calculate cartesian coordinates from torsion angle. More...

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "MathType.h"
#include "SysDefs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define ETA   (1.07e-7)


BOOL blTorToCoor (VEC3F ant1, VEC3F ant2, VEC3F ant3, REAL bond, REAL theta, REAL torsion, VEC3F *coords)

Detailed Description

Calculate cartesian coordinates from torsion angle.

Dr. Andrew C. R. Martin
Institute of Structural & Molecular Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London. WC1E 6BT.

This code is NOT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN, but it may be copied according to the conditions laid out in the accompanying file COPYING.DOC.

The code may be modified as required, but any modifications must be documented so that the person responsible can be identified.

The code may not be sold commercially or included as part of a commercial product except as described in the file COPYING.DOC.



Revision History:

Definition in file TorCoor.c.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ETA   (1.07e-7)

Definition at line 71 of file TorCoor.c.

Function Documentation

BOOL blTorToCoor ( VEC3F  ant1,
VEC3F  ant2,
VEC3F  ant3,
REAL  bond,
REAL  theta,
REAL  torsion,
VEC3F coords 
[in]ant1First antecedent atom coordinates
[in]ant2Second antecedent atom coordinates
[in]ant3Third antecedent atom coordinates
[in]bondBond length from ant3 to new atom
[in]thetaBond angle ant2-ant3-new
[in]torsionTorsion angle ant1-ant2-ant3-new
[out]*coordsCoordinates of new atom
TRUE if distance between atoms 2 and 3 is < ETA (1.07e-7)

Calculates cartesian coordinates for an atom given the coordinates of three antecedant atoms and the bond length, angle and torsion angle

  • 08.07.96 Original By: ACRM based on earlier FORTRAN code
  • 07.07.14 Use bl prefix for functions By: CTP

Definition at line 104 of file TorCoor.c.