Functional and Evolutionary Annotation of a Mystery Protein Sequence
The aim of this essay is for you to apply the knowledge you have gained of online bioinformatics resources and algorithms to the sequence of a mystery protein. This a typical situation for experimental biologists, where they have cloned and sequenced a gene that is perhaps up-regulated in a diseased cell and they now wish to discover more about what is already known about this gene.
The essay must be submitted via Moodle by 5pm on the first Friday of the Summer Term.
The essay should be completed by using the form that can be downloaded from Moodle. Do not just cut-and-paste server results from the web (though you may cut-and-paste diagramatic output from servers where appropriate).
There is no word limit, but your final answer must be no more than 10 pages including images.
You must submit as a PDF to avoid problems with the page limit.
The essay will be assessed on the range of appropriate analyses you have performed and the clarity with which you analyse and present the data you obtain on the protein sequence. This means making biological sense of the results you get back from each database to give the protein into a functional and evolutionary context.
A key part of the assessment is your evaluation of the data and how you reach your conclusions. There is no definitive correct answer, so you need to come to your own conclusions and justify them with support from the analyses you have done.
I have read and understood the above instructions.