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Workunit: P000002   Title:myoglobin2

Go to: [Template Selection] [Alignment] [Modelling Log] [Evaluation]

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Model Details: ? Segment 1

     Model info:
     modelled residue range: 1 to 99
     based on template 1it2B (1.60 Å)
     Sequence Identity [%]: 27
     Evalue: 4.78e-5
display model: as pdb - as DeepView project
download model: as pdb - as Deepview project

Alignment   ? [top]

1it2B 201 piidqgplp- -tltdgdkka inkiwpkiyk eye---qysl nillrflkcf

TARGET hhhhhh hhhhhhhhh hhh hhhhhhhh
1it2B hhhhhh hhhhhh h hhhh hhhhhhhh

1it2B 246 pqaqasfpkf stkksn--le qdpevkhqav vifnkvneii nsmdnqeeii

TARGET hhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh h hhhh
1it2B hhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh h hhhh

TARGET 90 ANLDKLAKSH --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1it2B 294 kslkdlsqkh ktvfkvdsiw fkelssifvs tidggaefek lfsiicillr

TARGET hhhhhhhhhh
1it2B hhhhhhhhhh hhh hh hhhhhhhhhh hh hhhhh hhhhhhhh

1it2B 344 say


Anolea / Gromos / Verify3D   ? [top]
anolea: on  off       gromos: on  off       verify3d: on  off

Modelling log   ? [top]
3.70 (SP3)
Loading Template: 1it2B.pdb
Loading Raw Sequence
Aligning Raw Sequence
Refining Raw Sequence Alignment
ProModII: doing simple assignment of backbone
ProModII: adding blocking groups
Adding Missing Sidechains
AddPolar H
Building CSP loop with anchor residues ASP 22 and ASN 26
Building CSP loop with anchor residues ALA 21 and ASN 26
Number of Ligations found: 81
ACCEPTING loop   14: clash=   0 FF=        -55.0 PP= -8.00
Building CSP loop with anchor residues ASP 55 and LEU 58
Building CSP loop with anchor residues SER 54 and LEU 58
Number of Ligations found: 7
ACCEPTING loop    0: clash=   0 FF=        -50.0 PP=  2.00
Optimizing Sidechains
Adding Hydrogens
Optimizing loops and OXT (nb = 10)
Final Total Energy:       -3957.737 KJ/mol
Dumping Sequence Alignment

Template Selection Log:   ? [top]

Searching ExPDB library for suitable templates ...

ExPDB Version: 2007-12-16-v4.0

Search Query : userseq (150 residues)
Putative Hits: 27

Hit 1: 1umoA Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 2: 1umoB Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 3: 1urvB Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 4: 1urvA Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 5: 1uryB Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 6: 1uryA Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 7: 1ut0A Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 8: 1ut0B Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 9: 1ux9B Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 10: 1ux9A Evalue: 5.36e-07 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 11: 2dc3A Evalue: 1.18e-06 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.22 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 12: 1sctG Evalue: 4.54e-06 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 13: 1sctC Evalue: 4.54e-06 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 14: 1sctE Evalue: 4.54e-06 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 15: 1sctA Evalue: 4.54e-06 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 16: 1v5hA Evalue: 1.07e-05 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.20 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 17: 2dc3B Evalue: 1.59e-05 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.21 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 18: 1it2B Evalue: 4.78e-05 Resolution: 1.60 [Template]
Hit 19: 1it2A Evalue: 4.78e-05 Resolution: 1.60 [Template]
Hit 20: 1it3A Evalue: 4.78e-05 Resolution: 2.10 [Template]
Hit 21: 1it3D Evalue: 4.78e-05 Resolution: 2.10 [Template]
Hit 22: 1it3C Evalue: 4.78e-05 Resolution: 2.10 [Template]
Hit 23: 1it3B Evalue: 4.78e-05 Resolution: 2.10 [Template]
Hit 24: 1sctH Evalue: 9.55e-05 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 25: 1sctD Evalue: 9.55e-05 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 26: 1sctF Evalue: 9.55e-05 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]
Hit 27: 1sctB Evalue: 9.55e-05 (Rejected: identity too low: 0.23 (Limit: 0.25)) [Template]

Scoring Hits by Evalue, Resolution, Anolea and Gromos energy ....

Graphical Template Match Overview

Target 1 ++++++++++++++++ 150
1it2B *********-------
1it2A *********-------
1it3A *********-------
1it3D *********-------
1it3C *********-------
1it3B *********-------

Clustering hits into Batches to be modeled seperately.

Batch : 1
Residue Range : 1 - 99
Templates : 1it2B.pdb

Template selection end.

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