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Table of results for automatic protein check
Results for modeling_eg_1.pdb
List results for one check
Results for check PL2CHK by WHAT IF
Values by atom
For all atoms that are connected to an aromatic ring in the side chain
of a protein residue the distance of the atom to the least squares plane
through the aromatic system was determined. The number given in the
table is the number of standard deviations this distance deviates
from the expected value (0.0).
Values are considered poor if they are larger than 4.00.
Values are considered bad if they are larger than 6.00.
atom | PL2CHK |
14-TRP-CB | 0.22 |
36-PHE-CB | 1.86 |
46-PHE-CB | 1.06 |
49-PHE-CB | 1.01 |
64-PHE-CB | 0.93 |
119-PHE-CB | 2.19 |
136-TRP-CB | 0.84 |
34-TRP-CB | 0.83 |
99-HIS-CB | 0.57 |
108-PHE-CB | 1.31 |
109-PHE-CB | 2.45 |
117-HIS-CB | 0.06 |
143-PHE-CB | 1.33 |
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