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Table of results for automatic protein check
Results for modeling_eg_1.pdb
List results for one check
Results for check BH2CHK by WHAT IF
Values by atom
Hydrogen bond donors that are buried inside the protein normally
form hydrogen bonds within the protein. If there are any non
hydrogen bonded buried hydrogen bond donors in the optimized
hydrogen bond network they will be listed here. In very good
structures the number of listed atoms will tend to zero.
The polar side chain atoms of ARG, LYS, GLU, ASP, HIS, ASN and GLN
are, when they are buried, almost invariably involved in at least
one hydrogen bond. If any of these atoms are listed, an
investigation should be undertaken. They will be labelled
atom | BH2CHK |
14-TRP-NE1 | NON-HBO |
22-ASP-N | NON-HBO |
29-ILE-N | NON-HBO |
83-ASN-N | NON-HBO |
99-HIS-N | NON-HBO |
102-LEU-N | NON-HBO |
136-TRP-NE1 | NON-HBO |
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