There will be an outage of up to 10 hours between 28th February 2025 10pm (GMT) and 1st March 2025 10am while our ISP performs maintenance on a fibre cable during roadworks.
blHPGLSetDash() - Set the line style (may be printer dependent):
blHPGLShowText() - Displays the text, raising or lowering as appropriate and selecting alternate font where required. Used by the various ...Text() routines.
blHPGLVText() - Write vertical text centred on x,y offset back along x by the size of label and by xoff in pts
blAMInitPlot() - Initialise a device ready for plotting.
blAMLCText() - Left/centre height justify text at position in data coordinates
blAMMove() - Move to a position specified in data coordinates.
blAMRText() - Right/centre justify text at position in data coordinates; offset is an x-offset specified in device coordinates (pt)
blAMSetFont() - Sets the current font using PostScript font names. If producing HPGL output, a lookup table is used to translate this to an HPGL font number
blAMText() - Left/bottom justify text at position in data coordinates
blPS2HPGLFont() - Takes the PostScript font name and works out the best HPGL equivalent from a translation table. On the first call, the table is read from disk and space is allocated for it. If the routine is called with a NULL parameter, the space allocated for the table is freed. It is quite safe to call the routine again after this has occurred; the table will simply be re-read from disk.
blSimplifyText() - Removes control codes from a string for screen display. Also used for calculating string length. The returned string is stored as static within the routine
blPSCBText() - Centers a piece of text with X,Y being the Coords of the BOTTOM centre point
blPSCTText() - Centers a piece of text with X,Y being the Coords of the TOP centre point
blPSInit() - Initialises the file writing the Prologue. The filename and creator are written into the Prologue and EPSFxoff and EPSFyoff are used to calculate the bounding box size for EPSF plots.
blPSVText() - Write vertical text centred on x,y offset back along x by the size of label and by xoff in pts. Used, for example, to title the y-axis of a graph. The `label' specification is used to calculate an amount by which to move the text back. Typically this would be the longest data label on the graph's Y-axis.
Generated on Tue Oct 24 2017 10:57:51 for Bioplib by 1.8.8